Interested in Joining Beechwood FC?
New Joiners
Beechwood FC have Boys teams from U7 to U19 and Girls teams from U7 to U15. We also have two sister Senior teams.
Beechwood FC have Boys teams from U7 to U19 and Girls teams from U7 to U15. We also have two sister Senior teams.
We are now recruiting for boys and girls born in 2018 to join our 2024/25 soccer academy starting in September 2024. If you wish to apply for a place for your child please follow the U7 Boys and Girls 2024/25 Academy link below for further information.
If you wish to apply for a place for any of our existing teams please follow the Boys U7 - U19 / Girls U7 - U15 link below for further information.
New Joiners - Follow the links below to apply
U7 Boys / Girls | 2024 /25 Academy
Beechwood FC have opened recruitment of our 2024/25 Developers Academy players, for boys and girls born in 2018.
Our Academy will commence in September 2024. The Boys train on a Saturday morning at 9.00 am and the Girls train on a Sunday morning at 9.00 am.
Preference is given to siblings of existing players in the Club, but otherwise u7 players are accepted as they apply – subject always to the availability of a place.
Boys U7 – U19 / Girls U7 – U12
Beechwood FC have Boys teams from U7 to U19 and Girls teams from U7 to U12. The teams are by year of birth, so U7 squads are player born in 2018, U8 - 2017, .... The Boys U7 - U13 play on a Saturday morning and the Boys U14 - U19 and Girls U7 to U12 play on a Sunday morning. Our teams from U8 up train on Tuesday's or Thursday's in St. Kilian's School or Alexandra College.
All our squads are generally fairly full, and the number of spaces available for players in Beechwood FC is limited since we are constrained in the availability of pitches and need to ensure that all players in the Club can have adequate playing time.
It may be necessary to go on a waitlist if places are not available at this time. But we do take on players each year, usually at the start of the season in September as there will always be some players leaving over the summer due to change in circumstances or sporting preferences.
Preference is given to siblings of existing players in the Club – subject always to the availability of a place. For older players, at the discretion of the Squad Manager, an offer of a place may be subject to a trial.
New Joiners – Seniors
Beechwood FC have two senior teams playing in Leinster Senior League on Saturday and Sunday mornings.
If you are interested in joining please contact Peter Reilly at peter.reilly7@mail.dcu.ie