Parents’ Manual
Our Parents’ Manual for Beechwood Football Club provides very important information on how we coach and play football and how we run the club. Please take a moment to familiarise yourself with it.

We are a community-based Club that wants to play progressive* football, with continuous player development as a core aim.
By learning to play football in a supportive environment, all our players will gain a lifetime love of the "Beautiful Game"
*Progressive football: Smart, attacking football where the players -
Play the ball forward
Play possession football – where passing/creative/tactical skills are needed
Play intelligent football – where decision-making is key
Our Parents’ Manual covers:
How We Coach and Play Football
Player Development
The Girls Hame
Coaches, Managers and Parents
How we run the Club
Role of the Volunteer
Code of Conduct
Child Protection
Finances and Subs
Our Sponsors
Website, Facebook and Contacts

The focus is on players' enjoyment and skill development, not on winning at all costs.
If you have feedback on our Parents’ Manual, please get in touch.