Dublin & District Schoolboys’/Girls’ League is proud to partner with ISPCC Childline.

The Dublin & District Schoolboys’/Girls’ League is delighted to announce it is partnering with the Childline listening service, as delivered by the ISPCC. We are very proud to partner with an organization that provides such an important range of services to young people all over the Country. From a DDSL perspective, this reflects our commitment to the health and wellbeing of all our underage players off the pitch as well as on it.

We understand that many young people face challenges in their lives, not least in the current environment with COVID-19. While football provides an important outlet for physical and mental wellbeing, it is critically important that our young people are aware of the services provided by Childline and are encouraged to avail of them where required.

We look forward to playing our part in highlighting these services through our League and our extensive Club network across the Greater Dublin Area and beyond. Can your Club help highlight this partnership and the Childline Service by sharing the graphic attached on your digital platforms ?

You can tag ISPCC Childline in your post in the following ways:

Instagram - @ispcc_childline

Facebook - @ISPCCChildline

Twitter - @ISPCCChildline


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